Friday 21 December 2012

The end......

Gosh well the end of the world everyone was talking about didn't come I guess...phewww... yet there is another fast approaching end in sight. Are you ready? I don't like endings but then I do. Contradiction or what? Endings if given the time can be a great period of reflection and reflecting I did.
In 2012 I got to meet Lottie and so did you. She is a little ray of sunshine, she keeps her nose on at all times. 2012 was about becoming more 3d. Us girls have big plans for 2013, so big it will be.

We just need to connect a little more with the lamb and be less distracted by nicely dressed sheep. One gorgeous lamb I met is Amilia. She is very real and keeps her nose on at all times. She is unique! And there are so many more unique ones out there, I just wished I could spend a bit more Lottie time with you!

Amlia runs a feature on artist sketchbooks. Sketchbooks are so personal, it is somwhere where we really dare to play. Go have a look here and you will see some of my carefree play time too.It was a hard thing to do but I am so glad I did it. There are many talented artist out there, sharing sketchbooks is a wonderful way to get to know more of them.

Get to meet this little lamb here

My wish for more real big lottie time
and forgiving the sheep!


Wateringen said...

Lieve Manon,

Meisje wat gaat een jaar snel he?
En wat gebeuren er toch heerlijke dingen in een jaar.
Wat een heerlijk koppie met rode neusje heb je geschilderd...ik wordt er plots helemaal vrolijk van als ik er naar kijk..

Ik wens jou en je familie een warme,knusse Kerstdagen en een gezond ,liefdevol en creatief 2013!

Voor nu wens ik je alle liefs en meer dan goeds,

Gina said...

Bit confused as to what it is exactly that is ending for you Manon? Do you mean you will not be making paintings of Lottie? If so I am sure she will not mind, you have made so many beautiful images of her :D I received the little T-shirt this morning....soooooo precious :D I may just keep it and frame it :D Looking forward to seeing your new creations in 2013 :D XXX

denthe said...

Ik wist niet dat Lottie pas bestaat sinds dit jaar! Ik kijk wel uit naar je big plans voor 2013! Hoop dat je gezellige kerstdagen tegemoet gaat, en een spetterend begin van een nieuw creatief jaar! ♥ denthe

Lisa Graham said...

Joined Amalia's blog...lots of great art over there. Your post here is full of wonder...just beautiful. Not sure who the nicely dressed sheep/lambs are...but I have a hunch.


Anonymous said...

I love her little mushrooms in her hair. Cute :)